How To Help A First Grader Adjust To School

How To Help A First Grader Adjust To School
How To Help A First Grader Adjust To School

Warm sunny days of summer flashed by, on the threshold of September. Both parents and children have concerns, especially those who come to school for the first time.

The beginning of training in an educational institution is an exciting period. Literate, forward-thinking parents worry about how their child adapts to school conditions. What needs to be done to make the first grader get used to learning faster?

First, you need to be aware that not all children are equally accustomed to school. For some, this period lasts one or two months, and for others six months. If at first something does not work out for a student, anxiety of a physiological and psychological nature may arise. For example, a child may complain of abdominal pain, nausea, and fatigue. Sometimes parents notice a violation of appetite, sleep, night urination. All these signs indicate that the child has not adapted to school, the problem needs to be urgently addressed. One unresolved problem will entail others that will affect the study, the development of the student.

Secondly, the child needs to be prepared for school. Preparation includes not only the development of writing and reading skills. A talented teacher will teach these skills in a short period of time. The main thing is a psychological attitude and an incentive to learn. Parents should choose such instruments of influence so that the child wants to go to school every day. It is important for each parent to realize the importance of raising independence in a child, instilling self-service skills. Lack of such skills will hinder adaptation to school.

You should not wear a schoolbag every day for a student, help take off and put on clothes, fold things for him, it is better to give him the opportunity to show independence. Some parents specifically take time off in September to help a first grader at the beginning of the year. In most cases, this care can last for a whole year, and this will have a bad effect on the upbringing of the student in the future.

Thirdly, it is better to organize an examination before school, to visit specialists in pediatricians, psychologists, and neurologists. Doctors will advise what you need to pay attention to, how to smooth out anxiety, irritability. It will not be superfluous if the child in this difficult period for him, drinks soothing decoctions, increases the time spent on the street.

Fourthly, to develop communication skills in the child. To devote more time to communicate with the student, invite his friends home, expand his social circle, assign him to a sports section or center of creativity.

Fifth, discuss with the first grader his daily routine and demand fulfillment. The child will get tired from the heavy load. Some children need extra time to sleep and rest.

Sixth, parents should find an opportunity to talk to a teacher, to meet with a school psychologist. Usually, after two weeks of training, the teacher sees the advantages and disadvantages of a first grader and gives advice on how to adapt to school.

The most important thing is not to stop loving the child, to give him advice, to help in solving difficult issues.
