Children are the flowers of life, they are our future, they are our everything! And of course, parents do not want to see tears in the eyes of their child for any reason. But in the usual routine of life there are certain stages through which almost all crumbs pass, and adaptation to the kindergarten is one of the most painful periods for both children and their parents.

Kindergarten is the first experience of communication between a kid and a team. If the child has no contraindications to attending a preschool institution, then, of course, it is better to send your child to the kindergarten for the development of his communicative qualities.
It is not a fact that getting used to a new environment will be painful. It happens that children from the first day find a common language with classmates and without tears go through a long-term separation from their mother. However, in 90% of cases this is not the case.
Before you bring your child to the garden for the first time, you can take a walk with him around the territory, and from the side watch how the children behind the fence have fun with the teacher. During the walk, you need to talk about how interesting it will be for your baby to come and play with the guys. According to psychologists, in your stories you should not use phrases with a negative particle "not" - "you will not be scared, I will not leave for a long time, no one will offend you." It is better to replace such expressions with "it will be fun to play with other guys, I will go on business and come back right away, everyone in the garden is very friendly."
On the first day, mom / grandmother / dad should bring the baby for an hour during the period when the group with the teacher goes for a walk. Sit next to the site in his field of view. If the child is carried away by new acquaintances or toys, you can try to leave him for 10 minutes. If the baby does not leave you, then it is better to carry out such a manipulation the next day, taking with you your favorite crumbs toy for playing on the playground.
After the child realizes that the mother will definitely return and will be able to stay without you for a walk in the garden, you can already try to bring the baby to the group for breakfast. At this stage, it will be enough for the child to stay in the garden before lunch. Immediately after the walk, before the teacher takes the children into the group, the mother can please the baby with her appearance on the playground. If the child's behavior was more or less calm, he at least sat down at the table for breakfast with the other children and did not cry for a long time, then you can try to leave him for lunch and a quiet hour, and pick him up before lunch. If the baby cries for a very long time and does not make contact with the teacher and the children, then it is necessary to be separated from him for several more days only until lunchtime.
Each child is individual and each adaptation period has its own duration. But sooner or later there comes a period when the baby stays in the garden for the whole day without any problems. Do not be discouraged if for a long time the crumb with tears leaves you in the morning. Many children, even those who have been attending kindergarten for quite a long time, find it difficult to endure the moment of parting with their parents. In no case shout or scold the child for this, and even more so do not try to put an ultimatum: "If you cry, I will not come for you at all." Better to try to negotiate and reassure the baby with your promise to spend the rest of the day together.
Tips for parents:
- on the very first day, exchange phone numbers with the teacher so that in case of anything they can always quickly contact you;
- in order to make it easier for the child to adapt, arrange in advance the same daily routine at home as in kindergarten, so that getting up early, for example, does not become additional stress for him;
- if the baby is very often sick, then leave him in the garden for only half a day, strengthen the immune system with folk remedies and try to always heal the child at home so that there are no complications;
- in kindergartens of different cities, the reception conditions are different: somewhere they do not accept children in diapers, and in some preschool institutions, the skills of independent eating are necessary. In any case, try to develop the necessary habits in the child by the time you enter the garden. This will definitely help the baby to overcome all the difficulties of the adaptation period.