There are active children who are not able to sit in one place for more than five minutes, but there are those who are slow. If your child belongs to the second type, and he is about to go to kindergarten very soon, then you will have to take his correction into your own hands without delay. First, realize that your baby is who he is. This is neither bad nor good, you just need to help him adapt to life. At the same time, pay attention to your behavior - you should become a model of organization and determination.

Step 1
Never rush, do not rush, do not constantly remind your child how slow and awkward he is. Don't make things worse with self-doubt.
Step 2
Take control of the child's daily routine: sleep, food, walks.
Step 3
Remember that your child needs more time to do everything. Therefore, try to prevent conflicts: if, for example, he hardly gets up in the morning and gets ready for a long time, wake him up early, if he does not get enough sleep, go to bed early. And never blame him for slowness, it is better to teach him how to allocate his time correctly.
Step 4
Everything must be done so that the child, realizing his slowness, does not feel worse than others. Better to compensate for this with something else, for example, more independence.
Step 5
When organizing activities with a sluggish child, remember to alternate work with short, active rest breaks.
Step 6
Create a daily routine for your child that will help him learn how to organize his time. It will take a lot of time, but the result is worth it.
Step 7
You can come up with some fun game that will help you overcome the slowness. For example, doing something, competing for the speed of execution. The main thing is to imperceptibly adjust to the pace of the child, thereby giving him the opportunity to periodically defeat you.
Step 8
The attitude of adults, their benevolence and willingness to perceive everything with a sense of humor is very important. You can sometimes play a trick on a slow child, but without irony, you can sometimes indicate the presence of this quality in yourself.