Unfortunately, sometimes marriages break up. And a woman with a child wants to build her life further. Introducing a child to a new friend is not an easy task. After all, the first impression means a lot. How should the meeting go for them to get along?

It is not easy for a child to let someone into a world where they feel so good together with their mother. A jealous rivalry often ensues. A man is perceived as a stranger who takes mother's attention and wants to destroy their well-established life. There are several conditions that will help make the first meeting the least painful for everyone. You should not introduce your child to every man you like. If you are confident in the candidate for your hand and heart, then you can start preparing for an acquaintance.
1. Timeliness
It is not worth introducing the child before the man moves to you. This must be done in advance. After all, you would not want a stranger to suddenly come to live with you? Acquaintance should happen in advance. Suitcases on the doorstep and the phrase "This is Andrei, he will live with us" - will not work.
2. Psychological preparation
Tell your child ahead of time that you want to introduce him to your new friend. There is no need to arrange surprises. Set up your child for a pleasant and interesting meeting. Do not set limits, do not set conditions. Let the child behave naturally. This is not a bride or a child's bride. It's just an acquaintance of two people.
3. Meeting point
It is better if the acquaintance takes place on neutral territory. This place should be interesting for the child and involve joint activities. For example, outdoor games, an interactive excursion to a museum, a creative or culinary workshop for the whole family - the main thing is that everyone likes this activity.
4. Mom's mood
Most likely, you will worry whether they will like each other, whether the baby (or no longer baby) will accept your chosen one, will your man be disappointed? Remember that the child is reading your emotions. You are anxious - and he will begin to worry, and will associate this tension with a new acquaintance. Be calm and confident. And you should definitely like the place to meet, so that you feel comfortable. Another good option is a meeting in a big fun company, where both acquaintances and new people will be. They can only meet and meet there a couple of times during the event. This communication should be pleasant and unobtrusive. In this situation, the next meeting will be less stressful.
5. Gift
In fact, it is practically irrelevant. Whether he will or not - decide for yourself. You want your child to like a man, not a toy? Communication is much more important.
6. Feelings of the child
Remember that the child is facing a daunting task. Adopt a person who, as it may seem to him, wants to take his mother away from him. Let him get upset, hurt, and even angry. He is entitled to these feelings. Sometimes it is even worth paying attention to his opinion - he can see and feel what you did not notice. After the meeting, be sure to discuss a new acquaintance, allow the child to express their feelings, do not cut off, do not reproach him if he does not say what you would like to hear. Give him time to get used to the change. The main thing is for the baby to feel that you love him as much as before.