The introduction of mixtures into the diet is a very important stage in the formation of a child's health. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually prepare his sensitive digestive system for a new type of nutrition. The introduction of any mixture starts with a small amount. While observing the child's reaction, gradually increase the number of servings and ingredients in the formula.

Step 1
Before serving, the mixture must be heated to a temperature of about 45 degrees.
Step 2
The next liquid after mother's milk and clean water for the baby should be fruit juice. It is better to cook it yourself, using seasonal fresh berries and fruits - they contain all the substances necessary for the normal development of the body.
Step 3
As a last resort, homemade juice can be substituted for nectar or commercial juice approved for baby food.
Step 4
Starting from 4-5 months, vegetable and fruit purees can be introduced into the baby's diet. As in the previous case, they can be purchased or, more preferably, prepared on your own. For these purposes, you can use a food processor, meat grinder or grater, chopping food to a mushy state. If the puree is too thick, you can dilute it with water or fruit and vegetable juice.
Step 5
Upon reaching the age of six months, the child can be given exotic and dark-colored foods. Previously it is not recommended to do this, because this can trigger allergies and digestive problems.
Step 6
From six months, small amounts of dairy products are added to the mixture. If a child is allergic to cow's milk for some reason, it can be replaced with soy milk or milk obtained from nuts and seeds.
Step 7
To prepare such milk, you need to mix a handful of seeds or nuts with water in a blender until a homogeneous liquid is formed. Squeeze the milk out with cheesecloth and add some honey for sweetness.
Step 8
You can also gradually start introducing cereals into the child's diet and make up a mixture of several components that are combined with each other.
Step 9
After six months, the transition from liquid to solid food begins with the help of cereals cooked in milk or water.
Step 10
Acquaintance of a child with fermented milk products is permissible no earlier than he turns one year old. At this time, you can gradually feed him with yogurt, kefir and other fermented milk mixtures.
Step 11
After a year, normal foods are introduced into the baby's diet, making a gradual transition from soft to harder foods.