The transfer of the child to a new milk formula should be systematically and competently built by the mother of the baby. In addition, this step must be justified, since it is significant stress for the child's body.

Step 1
Frequent change of the mixture has an extremely adverse effect on the health of the baby, and therefore the initial choice of the mixture should be approached with special care and only after consulting a pediatrician. In the event that the need to change the mixture (on the recommendation of a doctor) has nevertheless arrived, this transition should be organized gradually, carefully observing the child's health.
Step 2
When a new mixture is introduced for the first time, the baby may react to this with a sharp deterioration in health. Do not be afraid, because for the first 2-3 days this is a completely normal and understandable reaction. But if the state of the crumbs after 3 days does not return to normal, this means that the baby is immune to the mixture you have chosen and it categorically does not suit him.
Step 3
The usual food of the crumbs cannot be replaced immediately and in full with a new mixture. It will take you about a week to gradually change the mixture. At the same time, it is extremely important to observe the diet at all times. In the event that you are also breastfeeding your baby, the transition to a new formula can take much less time, about 3-4 days.
Step 4
The first two days, you need to mix the old and new mixture in the following proportions: 3 parts of the old mixture and 1 part of the new one. On the third and fourth days, the proportion of the new mixture must be increased, and the old one must be reduced. So, during this period, the baby needs to be fed by mixing 2 parts of the old and 2 parts of the new mixture. For feeding on days 5 and 6, it will be necessary to prepare a mixture for the baby from 1 part of the old mixture and 3 parts of the new one. On the seventh day and on the following days, you can safely feed your baby with a new formula.
Step 5
Please note that the above proportions for feeding a child are only suitable if the baby can tolerate the mixture normally. If you notice any negative reactions, contact your pediatrician immediately.
Step 6
You should not combine the period of changing the baby's mixture with any other stressful period in the baby's life. So, for example, a move or a baby's illness, after which his body is weakened, are serious contraindications to the introduction of a new mixture.