Very often, the mother does not have enough breast milk or it completely disappears. In this case, the baby is transferred to artificial feeding. A breast milk substitute is used - adapted milk formulas, in terms of the content of basic nutrients, as close as possible to the composition of human milk. Most often these are dry powders. They have a number of advantages - they contain easily digestible whey proteins, a wide range of vitamins, a number of biologically active substances, do not require boiling during recovery and have a long shelf life.

Step 1
Always check with your pediatrician before administering formula milk. Pick up the mixture with your doctor, and not on the advice of friends or family. Remember that your baby may react very differently to a new meal. He may develop diarrhea, constipation, or dermatitis.
Step 2
Do not forget that the formula should be selected according to the age of your child. The age is always indicated on the food box.
Step 3
Switch to bottle feeding gradually. Try blended feeding first. Between breastfeeds, give your baby formula and add some expressed milk to it. Then gradually replace breastfeeding with a bottle of formula.
Step 4
Keep track of the amount of food you give your child. Stick to your daily feed intake. If the baby ate more or less at one time than it should, then change the rate at the next feeding.
Step 5
Feed your baby formula on schedule. Maintain time between feedings. Immediately after the mixture, offer the crumbs some water.
Step 6
When preparing the mixture, strictly follow the instructions on the package. Calculate the amount of the mixture, depending on the baby's body weight. There is a correspondence table on the food box, which indicates the child's weight and the amount of formula he needs per feeding. Study it carefully.
Step 7
When diluting the mixture, use only boiled water. Do not use plastic kettles to boil water. Do not forget that in most cases, when heated, plastic releases harmful substances. Boil fresh water for each portion of the mixture.
Step 8
Give your baby only freshly prepared formula, do not store any leftovers. Never boil the mixture, when boiling it loses all its beneficial substances.
Step 9
Remember the hygiene requirements. Boil teats and bottles regularly.