If an infant has allergic reactions to food, pediatricians prescribe hypoallergenic mixtures for his food. But the period of feeding them ends by 6 months, and the child must be given natural food in complementary foods.

The most beneficial food for a newborn is mother's breast milk. But if difficulties arise with such food, the babies are transferred to artificial feeding with milk formulas. Children who are forced to eat formula in the first year of life are much more likely to develop allergic reactions than newborns who eat breast milk. Therefore, pediatricians prescribe such children to eat hypoallergenic mixtures.
Such mixtures basically have different components, and the mother's task is to choose such a mixture that will not cause allergic reactions and rashes in the child. This is not difficult, given the huge range of offered baby food. However, how then to transfer a child from a hypoallergenic mixture to a usual food is a question that worries many mothers.
Features of the milk mixture
An important distinguishing feature of such mixtures is the absence of any components that can cause rashes and irritation. Milk mixtures are based on soybeans, goat milk, protein hydrolysates and others. That is, in order to give a child a mixture, you need to understand which component he is allergic to, and choose a diet where this component is not.
Thus, when it becomes necessary to add other foods to the baby's diet, you need to exclude a dangerous allergen and products that may contain it.
Conversion to natural food
Before introducing complementary foods into the child's diet or adding other mixtures, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician who observes the baby. Each new product must be introduced separately, and the child's body reaction to the innovation must be observed for several days. You need to start complementary foods with simple, non-allergenic foods such as apples, bananas, potatoes, and squash.
There are children who have allergies only in the first few months after birth. And as the body grows, its response to some components of baby food changes. You can check this using analyzes. Then, perhaps, at an early age, the child's hypoallergenic mixture can be replaced with ordinary milk cereals, which will change as the baby grows, meeting all his needs for vitamins and trace elements. And then, after 6 months, introduce complementary foods according to the general rules for supplementing the child's diet.
There is another group of children who remain allergic to certain foods throughout their lives. Then, of course, it is very important for parents to remember and exclude this food from the baby's diet, and over time he himself will know that he should not eat.