When moving to a new place of residence or in other circumstances, the parents may need to transfer the child to another school. In this situation, it is important not to make a mistake in choosing an educational institution.

Step 1
Select the school your child will transfer to. Focus not only on its proximity to home, but also on the opportunities provided by the educational institution. For example, in many gymnasiums it is possible to study not one but two foreign languages. There are schools with in-depth study of the exact and natural sciences, as well as other subjects. For example, for children who want to devote themselves to music, special colleges have been opened, in which it is possible to combine the acquisition of general secondary and secondary specialized education. Please note that the programs of the old and new schools should be approximately the same. It will be difficult for a child to move from the eighth grade of a regular school to a gymnasium, where two foreign languages are taught from grade 5.
Step 2
Consider the position of the selected school in the various rankings. For example, they are developed for Moscow schools based on the USE results. This will help you find the best school for your child.
Step 3
Visit your chosen school. Find out if there is room for your child. Living on the site of the school, for example, if you move, will be a plus for you when enrolling. You can also take your child with you so that he looks at the new school from the outside and thinks if he would like to study there. In some situations, even the atmosphere of an educational institution may seem repulsive. In this case, it makes sense to look for another school.
Step 4
Collect documents and certificates of progress from the old school. It is best to do this in May-June, after the end of the school year. Then give the papers you received to the new school.
Step 5
Prepare your child to change school. Explain that he will be able to find friends in the new place. Encourage your child to join a hobby group at school. It will be easier to build friendships with classmates and students from parallel groups in an informal setting. In addition, in the circle there is a high probability of meeting a person with common interests.