Men and women - creatures from different planets - such a statement, probably, everyone can confirm with an example from their own life. In particular, men and women communicate and express their thoughts in completely different ways. It is easier for a woman to feel this difference, if, of course, she has developed intuition and has at least a little worldly wisdom. Learning to understand a man's words correctly will help her build strong relationships. But how do you learn this?

Step 1
Remember: men like to speak directly, clearly, to the point. They are much less likely than women to use metaphors, comparisons, figurative expressions in their speech. If a man talks about something, then it is really important for him. This is not cute chatter of a friend, this is a series of specific and clear thoughts that a woman should not "let go" on deaf ears.
Step 2
Do not demand constant compliments or confessions from a man. A man should say this when he wants to. Let it be, in your opinion, not often at all, but sincerely. If a man himself, without coercion, utters words dear to your heart, he can be trusted.
Step 3
Women need to "pour out their souls" from time to time. A man should understand this and, indeed, be able to listen, support, say something encouraging. But this does not mean at all that men have the same need. Psychologists say that a man in a stressful situation (for example, at work) tends to withdraw into himself, and not at all call his friends and acquaintances and not cry into the vest of his beloved woman. Sooner or later, he will definitely share his problem, but you cannot force him to do it. You must make it clear that you are there and are ready to listen to him at any time, but try not to ask endless questions: "What happened? Why are you in a bad mood? Maybe you will finally tell what happened?" A woman often perceives the silence of a man as an SOS signal, as a warning that the relationship is collapsing. In fact, a man in these moments can think of completely different problems, and he needs your tactful, unobtrusive support. No questions asked and clarification of the relationship.
Step 4
Women are very fond of dreaming, talking about what will happen. Even if a woman realizes that her dream is not destined to come true, she is just pleased to talk about it. This trait often annoys men. They look at life more realistically. And this even applies to men who at first glance seem to be crazy romantics and dreamers. It is pleasant for you to just talk, and the man takes it as a concrete call to action. It's good if you have few desires. And if a woman lives only for her future? This creates a very stressful backdrop for the man. He understands that he always needs to be on the move, to do something, to hurry somewhere, although he wants to just relax at least sometimes and be only in this moment with his beloved woman. If a woman at least sometimes gives a man such a feeling of serene peace, it is very valuable.
Step 5
"Learn to hear and listen" is a banal advice, but the fulfillment of these conditions gives amazing results. Look first of all at yourself, at your mistakes and try to correct them. If a man sees good changes in his beloved woman, he, imperceptibly for himself, "pulls up" after her and himself changes for the better.