How To Teach A Child To Understand Words

How To Teach A Child To Understand Words
How To Teach A Child To Understand Words

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In the second half of life, the child begins to learn to understand words. At this time, he receives information only from his parents. The task of an adult is to be patient and help the kid to master the whole variety of the language.

How to teach a child to understand words
How to teach a child to understand words


Step 1

In the first months of life, the child develops passive command of the word. This means that he understands the words addressed to him. Active proficiency in speech develops later, when the baby's age is approaching a year.

Step 2

Try to talk to your child as often as possible. Speech should be calm and clear. Smile at the kid, try to interest him in speech. Subsequently, the child will begin to imitate you, trying to repeat individual words. Therefore, you should not lisp with children, imitating their slurred speech, in this case, learning will be meaningless.

Step 3

During the conversation, show the child objects that may interest him, and say their name. These can be toys, any personal belongings of the parents in which the baby showed his interest (mom's hairpin, dad's tie). It is important that the child correlates the word itself and the object that it stands for.

Step 4

If you regularly plead with the child "Say - doll", it will not bring the desired result. The child will be able to repeat the word you said, but he will not correlate it with the thing he designates.

Step 5

As already mentioned, in the first months, the child is a passive participant in the conversation. Show him the items in the room, explain what they are called. By about six months, the child to the question "Where is the clock?" must turn his head towards the desired object.

Step 6

By about nine months, the baby should know the basic concepts related to his daily routine. He performs the required actions when his parents tell him "sit down", "eat", "give me a toy." In order for the child to understand these words, mom and dad need to regularly repeat these phrases to the child and help him do what is asked of him.

Step 7

At the age of ten or eleven months, it is time to start playing finger games with your child, such as "White-sided Magpie" and others. When reciting a poem, the fingers on the child's hands are bent in turn, which stimulates the development of speech and fine motor skills.
