Dividing words into syllables is one of the foundations of teaching a child to read. It is this skill that allows you not only to combine letters with each other, but also to gain an understanding of how words are obtained from letters. It is not always easy for a child to understand syllables, but parents can help the child in this matter.

Step 1
You should not be especially in a hurry with the question of how to teach a child to divide words into syllables. First, the kid must remember the alphabet and understand the principle of connecting letters to each other. The mistake of many parents is that they are trying to teach the baby to add single letters, this prevents the further division of words into syllables. Accordingly, the process of mastering reading also slows down. The child must read both letters of the syllable in a single fusion. This avoids problems associated with misunderstanding the basic principle of folding words from syllables.
Step 2
When these skills are consolidated, focus the child's attention not on the words, but on the sounds he utters. Phonetics influences the quality of reading almost more than the knowledge of the letters themselves. Invite your child to observe their mouth in the mirror as they pronounce the words. So he will be able to understand that the shape of the lips changes precisely when the syllables are pronounced, and not individual letters.
Step 3
If the baby cannot understand how syllables are formed into words, a fairly simple way can be offered. To do this, the child must be offered to hold the palm in the neck, under the jaw. The feeling of pressure on the hand allows you to feel the movement of the mouth when pronouncing. The simplest word for setting up an experiment is “mother” or other terms that are accessible and familiar to children’s ears. But even more complex words are no less easily decomposed into syllables, you just need to show a little patience.
Step 4
It is necessary to start such a training with two-syllable words, since they are the easiest to decompose into syllables. Gradually move on to those words that consist of three or more syllables, such as "milk" or "cow". So that the lesson does not seem too boring, it is best for children to divide words into syllables in a playful way. Words decomposed into syllables and taken from the usual counting rhyme are much easier to perceive.