Quite often, parents want to teach their child to read syllables at home even before entering school. Learning reading skills can be challenging for your little one, so this process should be done in stages.

Step 1
Decide at what age you want to teach your child to read syllables at home. It is best to start this at 4-5 years of age, when the baby is able to speak fluently and accurately calls most of the words he knows. Moreover, many experts advise that it is imperative to teach a child to read from an early age, since his brain is more active at this time than, for example, at primary school age.
Step 2
Start teaching your child to read by becoming familiar with the alphabet. Today, you can find many bright and colorful manuals on sale that simplify the learning process for parents. Pay attention to books in which the letters of the alphabet are drawn large and clearly and at the same time framed by drawings of objects, the names of which begin with the corresponding symbol. An additional plus will be the sound frame when you press the keys built into the manuals. In one day, the kid can show 3-5 letters so that he memorizes them without problems.
Step 3
As soon as the child memorizes all the letters, you will need a new teaching aid, which this time will contain the simplest words, consisting of 1-2 syllables: "ma-ma", "pa-pa", "ha-la", etc. … The child will already know most of these words by ear, so he will be able to quickly memorize their spelling with visual memory. Do not rush to switch to more complex constructions until your baby learns to read simple words in their entirety.
Step 4
Correctly teaching a child to read by syllables at home means constantly reinforcing the skills he receives. Various games will help you with this. For example, cut out of paper or purchase colored letters from which you can assemble words already familiar to your baby. Name any of the words you have already learned and ask them to collect it on the floor or on a table. Along with this, we can already tell that "and" is used to connect two objects. As a result, the child will learn to recognize simple constructions of two or more words.
Step 5
Teach your son or daughter all new syllables and prepositions. Most modern educational books and games have sound frames and other active devices, thanks to which the baby can learn on his own, even without your participation. Do not forget to encourage him with affectionate words and small gifts for the success achieved. After a while, the child will learn to read simple sentences and children's stories on his own, which will definitely help when entering primary school.