Due to the high requirements for admission to the first grade, many parents of preschoolers are concerned that their child, having reached the age of 5, does not yet know how to read. Those who do not have time to deal with the child, they boldly give their child to various preparatory courses and circles for preschoolers. More pragmatic parents work with their child at home. They have a question: "How to teach a child to read at home?"

Step 1
First of all, the first lessons with a 5-year-old child should last no more than 7-8 minutes. The kid is not fully aware of what the parent wants from him, so he will not be able to concentrate on the lesson for a long time. After all, up to this moment, his whole life consisted of games, dancing or jumping. So don't overdo it.
Step 2
Do not use whole word reading techniques on a 5-year-old child. For this age, it is necessary to choose a post-word method. Zaitsev's cubes and Zhukova N. S.'s primer will help you with this. The child will learn to compose syllables, will visually memorize them, and later will form words from the resulting syllables.
Step 3
You can teach your child to read at home if you first learn not letters, but sounds. They are easier to convert to syllables and whole words. A more difficult situation is when the child has already learned the name of the letters, for example: ES instead of the sound C. Then it should be explained to the child that the letter never goes separately, but is considered in the context of the whole word. It will be more difficult to bring such a child to learning by syllables, therefore, with diligence and patience, explain that ZE strives for the letter E, the syllable ZE is obtained. Be sure to chant this syllable for the continuity of the sound.
Step 4
A lot does not mean good. Don't overload your child with too many syllables. Start from 2-6 syllables until they are completely absorbed. Only then increase the amount. If you start reading at home with the study of letters, then first learn the vowels A, I, U, E, then make up simple syllables from them, and then add consonants.
Step 5
After the child has learned to read syllables, check the meaningfulness of the resulting word. For example, the two syllables Ra and Ma are transformed into the word Rama. A big mistake of parents is the requirement of meaningfulness not only of the word, but of the entire sentence as a whole. It is necessary to understand that while the child is developing the technique and is not able to understand the whole sentence. Only with experience will the comprehension of the read come.
Step 6
Classes with a child 5 years old and older should be regular, but short-lived, that is, daily for 12-16 minutes. Thus, the child develops perseverance, which is so vital at school. Spending too much time with your child will lead to negative perceptions.
Step 7
When learning to read as a child, your goal is to combine different fonts. If you and your child read the ABC book, then the kid can get used to just such a font, and the other will no longer be able to read. Therefore, make up syllables and words from different magnets on the refrigerator, write your own syllables and words to your child in different fonts, read different words on food packages.
Step 8
Do not forget to praise your child for every success he has in this difficult work for him. Even if the kid does not succeed in something, encourage him, believe in his success, then the results will not be long in coming. Be patient and in no case scold the child for not understanding anything in reading, otherwise the child's desire to read will pass. If you suddenly feel annoyed in class with your child, then take a break, take a breath and cool off, or ask someone from the household to finish the lesson.
You can teach a child to read at home, because the best teacher will be a mother who loves, supports and praises her child.