How To Teach A Child To Read: Where To Start?

How To Teach A Child To Read: Where To Start?
How To Teach A Child To Read: Where To Start?

When the baby turns one year old, the question arises before the parents: how to help him start talking? This is an important stage that affects the further mental development of the child, so many experts recommend paying as much attention as possible to him. You can find a huge variety of answers to the question of how to teach a child to read, but how to help him say the first words faster is an order of magnitude less.

How to teach a child to read: where to start?
How to teach a child to read: where to start?

Comprehension of speech develops only up to 1, 5 years, after which the replenishment of personal vocabulary begins. Sometimes even one syllable can mean a whole phrase, so in each case, the individuality of the baby should be taken into account. After he turns 1, 6 years old, understanding the child with a half-sigh can become a serious obstacle to development. Therefore, you should not fulfill his requests on demand, but wait until he begins to voice them.

A few simple tips for developing your speech

Before you teach a child to read, you need to help him start talking. First of all, it is necessary to stimulate the baby to fully pronounce the word, more often ask what the name of this or that object is. By the age of two years, the child's vocabulary should be replenished by 250 words, although this figure is still very individual, and if the baby speaks less, you should not be upset. Girls begin to actively communicate much faster than boys, this factor should also be taken into account. The following points must be taken into account when developing speech in a baby.

  • It is very important to talk to him from the first day of his birth, you should describe all the actions that are performed by the parents. You can name objects when lunch is being cooked, tell the baby where the parents are going and what interesting things he can see. Each time you should consolidate the result and repeat what you see constantly, name objects several times.
  • You should also introduce the baby to the sounds from the first days, how the car sounds, how the wind howls, how a bird sings, how horses gallop, etc. If the baby begins to repeat, it is necessary to support him, praise him more often.
  • Fine motor skills of the hands are associated with speech, this has been proven more than once by scientists, so do not forbid your child to play with peas, buttons, beans, coins. Of course, only in the presence of adults. The child will be happy to pour small items from one jar to another.

Helping your baby with the development of speech is very important, but you should do it right so that he always feels comfortable. The result will not be long in coming.
