Division is not at all a simple mathematical operation for a child, and therefore the material should be presented in a special way. Here it is important not only to correctly explain the nature of the action itself, but also to create a favorable environment for learning.

- -apples;
- -candies.
Step 1
First of all, keep in mind that at the age at which the division according to the school curriculum is usually carried out, the child is still in the so-called "formal operational" stage of development. This means that he cannot understand abstract concepts, therefore, behind each explanation there must be a real example that can interest the child.
Step 2
Before starting the study of division, make sure that the child knows the multiplication table well and understands the mechanism by which this mathematical action is carried out.
Step 3
For example, give your child four candies and ask them to split them equally between him and you. Then ask how many candies there were and how many people there were. Explain that the candy is shared between people, then just show the mathematical record of the action.
Step 4
Make sure that the child understands the essence of the process by changing the number of objects and people among whom the objects need to be distributed.
Step 5
Show your child the connection between multiplication and division. Let him intuitively feel that this is the opposite. For example, showing with a real example that three times two is six, and six divided by two is three, and so on.
Step 6
Return to these operations constantly, for example, play division outside the home. Give your child tasks that reflect reality. So when buying apples, for example, take six and ask how many apples will each member of your family get. While walking on the street, invite him to share the candy among all the children in the yard.
Step 7
If the child does not immediately understand what is required of him, be patient and look for a way to explain better. But do not put pressure on him, as you can cause a negative psychological reaction, because of which it will be difficult for the child to perceive the information. In this case, the learning process will take much longer.