For years, a developed child who is versed in art is the absolute pride of any parent. Sometimes a fanatical pursuit to impose cultural tastes on a child leads to the opposite result - the child loses all interest in music, painting and theater. It is necessary to acquaint the kid with the magical world of art gradually and meaningfully.

The most important of the arts
Very often, parents make a mistake when they try to impose their own preferences in music, cinema, painting on their child. With this approach, the baby may decide that only the one recommended by dad and mom is good art.
It is much more important to ensure that the child can orientate himself in cultural diversity, master new things and, on the basis of this, choose preferences. It is recommended to start your acquaintance with the classics. A few visits to exhibitions, trips to the theater and a couple of examples from literature are enough for a child to understand for himself what academic art is.
Everything is possible in art
It is important that parents explain how to perceive art. In order not to injure the child, you should warn the baby that the boundaries of what is permissible in art are significantly expanded. This also applies to nudity and descriptions of the world. Many artists and writers deliberately described the hard-hitting scenes of the life and everyday life of their heroes in order to derive a certain moral from this. If the child is still too young to understand the meaning of works of art, then you can return to this issue a little later.
Subjective and objective
A young art critic should also understand that paintings, performances and musical works cannot be regarded as “bad” or “good”. It is important to convey to the child that no matter how alien, bizarre or even ridiculous this or that work may be, it in any case has the right to exist. A vivid example for such a discussion can be the famous "Black Square" by Malevich.
Culture of those who are not like us
Studying the cultural heritage of certain peoples can be a great way to explore the world. It has been noticed that it is much easier for kids to learn about the history of art than about the history of states.
We must also not forget that knowledge of the cultural characteristics of certain countries allows us to develop the very same tolerance and understanding that every nation has its own reasons for pride.