In order for a child to grow up as a harmonious, developed person who appreciates and sees beauty, it is necessary to instill in him a love of art from an early age. How to properly introduce him to different types of art?

Step 1
The perception of beauty will be effective if the child acts in this process both as a spectator and as a creator. For example, when looking at reproductions of paintings, try drawing something beautiful together. After examining and examining the sculpture, mold something similar from salt dough or plasticine. After listening to classical music, hum the tune with your child. Do not throw away your child's little "masterpieces"; you can even arrange an exhibition of his most successful creations in the children's room.
Step 2
A child's acquaintance with painting should begin with the study of paintings by famous artists. It is better to choose those whose plot you can explain in an accessible way - to tell the child what and why the artist depicted. Tell your child what colors prevail in the picture, ask how it makes him feel. You can invite the child to fantasize - how the plot of the picture could continue. A lesson on the study of one reproduction should take no more than 15 minutes, you can arrange 2-3 such lessons per week. Some paintings can be re-studied, at each lesson the child will discover something new in a particular work of art.
Step 3
You can acquaint a child with classical music by listening to it directly. The music of great composers has a calming effect, makes the soul experience various feelings. Describe what you hear in words, and then, when the child grows up, he will also describe the feelings that this or that musical composition evokes in him. Repeat several times the name of the composer whose music you are listening to so that the child will remember it. You can tell briefly the biography of the composer, paying special attention to any significant events in his life. Classical music can be turned on every evening so that your child can experience the beauty with you.
Step 4
Take a walk in the park and look at the monuments. You can see famous sculptures with your child in books or museums. Tell your child what and how sculptures and monuments are made, to whom they are dedicated.
Step 5
Go to museums with your child, be sure to express aloud your admiration for the paintings, tell everything you know about them -
all this develops and awakens the craving for beauty. Be sure to visit theaters. For children, there are theaters for young spectators - they show kind and funny fairy tales that children really like. If a child gets used to the atmosphere of the theater, he will continue to go there into adulthood.