If your friend already has a child, then in order to continue a serious relationship, you need to get to know him. For the first meeting to go smoothly, you need to know some points of child psychology.

Step 1
A small child, no matter how old he is, is already a person. Therefore, at the first meeting, treat him as an equal.
Step 2
Before meeting, ask about the child, his tastes, hobbies. Prepare a small gift in advance. Find out from your beloved what he dreams of. It will be great if you guess right with the gift.
Step 3
Let the baby's mother help you, tell him that she has a loyal and devoted friend who protects her and helps. Then the child will develop a sense of respect and interest in you.
Step 4
Please note that the child often considers himself large and independent. He has certain opinions about the actions of adults. If at the first meeting you behave with him as with an adult, he will accept this with gratitude and in the future will make contact with you.
Step 5
Therefore, when meeting a child for the first time, do not lisp with him, but seriously say hello, introduce yourself by name, give him your hand. Ask the baby's name. Then there is no need to ask how old he is, whether he goes to kindergarten or school. These empty welcome questions to keep the conversation going with the kids don't come through. To make the child interested in you, start discussing with him a topic that may be interesting, give him the opportunity to express his opinion, ask for advice.
Step 6
All this should be sincere, because children really feel fake and then they can close, and not make contact.
Step 7
If the baby does not intend to be frank with you at the first meeting, you do not need to pester him with questions all evening. Better to unobtrusively tell something that should interest him. But do not look directly at him.
Step 8
When you first meet a child, do not be very active about your feelings for his mother. Otherwise, the child may be jealous and offended of you. Let him gradually get used to you and make sure that you are really the person that mom needs.
Step 9
It's good if the first meeting is organized somewhere in nature. Show your child interesting places, teach how to collect firewood, barbecue or fish. If he has a pleasant experience of such a walk, he will want to see you again.
Step 10
Remember that the most important thing in communicating with a little man is sincerity and love.