Mobility is a natural property of a child. It is undesirable to limit him in his desire to run, jump, frolic, play noisy games. But sometimes the activity of the tomboy is so exhausting the parents that they no longer know how to behave with him.

Step 1
Watch your son or daughter first. An active child usually loves different games, but instead of quiet entertainment prefers active ones. He loves to talk a lot, ask a lot of questions and listen to them with curiosity. Such a baby rarely shows his aggressiveness first. As a rule, only in a quarrel can he give back to his peer. An agile child behaves differently in familiar and unfamiliar surroundings. That is, on a visit or in the kindergarten, his behavior can be quite serene, but at home he can be energetic. Movable children rarely suffer from intestinal disorders of the intestines and sleep.
Step 2
Watch out for the possibility that your child is hyperactive. This means that he is often unable to play board games, listen to fairy tales, as he is quickly distracted and is in constant motion. And if he gets tired, he starts to fall into hysterics. Such a child speaks quickly, swallows words, asks questions, and no longer listens to the answers. He usually behaves aggressively, does not control his behavior and does not respond to restrictions and prohibitions. His activity is always manifested regardless of the environment. Overactive children often suffer from food allergies, digestive and sleep disorders.
Step 3
In the first case, when the child is simply mobile, take into account his peculiarities, communicating with him calmly and evenly. Be sure to follow a clear daily routine with your son or daughter. That is, go to bed on time by reading a book before going to bed, playing quiet games. In the morning, gently and gradually lift the baby. Keep prohibitions to a minimum by sticking to the most important ones. Give the child short-term assignments according to his strength, gradually accustoming him to perseverance. And praise generously for doing them. Next, set longer tasks for him. Fill your child's entire time with interesting and varied activities. Let the fidget play more outdoor games for children. Allow yourself to release energy on walks without over-excitement. Sports for these children is the best solution.
Step 4
In the second case, if there is a suspicion that the child is hyperactive, follow the same advice that was given for raising a mobile child. But be sure to contact a pediatric neurologist, neuropathologist or psychiatrist with him. He will make an accurate diagnosis and provide professional medical advice. At the same time, visit a child psychologist who will show you relaxation techniques. He will tell you how to teach the kid to show his aggression in an adequate way, how to develop his attention and ability to control his movements. He will also give the necessary advice to the tomboy educators and teachers. For a hyperactive child, it is advisable to take a separate room in which there will be no unnecessary items. Wallpaper on the walls to calm down should be green and blue.