A dark vertical streak under the navel appears in most pregnant women. Despite the fact that expectant mothers understand the inevitability of changes in their body, giving new life, they are still concerned about the reason for the appearance of this "decoration".

Where does the strip under the navel come from?
A dark vertical streak during pregnancy appears due to hormonal changes that occur in the female body. The intensity of its color is directly related to the amount of melanotropin in the body, which provokes the development of hyperpigmentation in the area from the navel to the pubis. There are cases when the strip grew up to the level of the ribs. In fact, all pregnant women have it, but in most women, the increased pigmentation of the ligament located in the abdomen makes it more noticeable.
The greatest likelihood of the appearance of a dark streak during pregnancy is present in dark-skinned and dark-haired women.
Melanotropin is a hormone that stimulates the production of cells, which in turn produce pigment, thus increasing the likelihood of moles and freckles. In addition, the appearance of the strip is associated with hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, therefore, it indicates that the hormonal background of a pregnant woman is working correctly. From the beginning of pregnancy, the strip may be light, after which it gradually begins to darken and disappears only after childbirth - although in some women it remains for life.
How to get rid of dark streaks or brown age spots
Some women are interested in whether it is possible to prevent the appearance of this, somewhat unaesthetic in their opinion, strip or get rid of it during pregnancy. Gynecologists say that the strip will disappear on its own after the birth of the child, however, some measures to prevent its bright color can still be taken. For example, pregnant women should be less exposed to the sun and sunbathe exclusively with sunscreen. Especially during the last months of pregnancy.
It is impossible to disguise the dark stripe or completely get rid of it - the only real thing is to prevent its strong darkening.
During the highest solar activity, expectant mothers are advised to stay in the shade and appear outdoors in closed clothes made of light fabrics. However, it should be remembered that even the maximum adherence to these recommendations will not prevent the appearance of the hated streak. Doctors advise not to pay attention to her, since her education is a natural process through which all women, without exception, go through. To calm your nerves, you can consult your gynecologist and not wind yourself up - after all, worries about such trifles can negatively affect the unborn child.