Often women, especially impressionable and sophisticated, can simply be crushed by the rudeness and straightforwardness of their spouse. Unfortunately, no one is immune from conflicts in family life, but you can learn to "save face" in any situations.

What is humiliation …
First of all, you need to understand what exactly makes a wife feel humiliated. According to psychologists, sometimes the spouses just communicate “on a different wavelength”, and the man often does not even suspect that he is offending the other half. In such cases, a sincere conversation may well help - it is worthwhile to calmly explain to the husband that some of his words and actions hurt his wife's pride, making her suffer. A loving person is able to treat such problems with understanding, trying to choose expressions in the future so as not to offend his wife.
Even when sorting things out, some find the strength to refrain from insults. And the reward for this can be considered relationships: after all, it is as a result of conflicts that the parties have a chance to express everything that has accumulated and gain experience. The main thing is to learn to do without humiliation. However, it also happens that some husbands deliberately humiliate their wives. There can be many reasons for this: troubles at work, quarrels, a naturally quarrelsome character, suspiciousness (when men are tormented by doubts about the correctness of their choice or jealousy). The main thing in this situation is to understand whether a woman is capable of changing the current situation? If not, is she ready to put up with such an attitude in the future? Unfortunately, it is very difficult to change a person if he does not want it himself. Sad as it may seem, men who deliberately humiliate their beloved woman are unlikely to be able to change. Moreover, it is likely that the situation in the future may worsen significantly, and someone may go from verbal humiliation to assault …
You cannot forgive a divorce - where to put a comma?
If the spouse, not understanding how humiliating his behavior is for his wife, continues to behave in an inappropriate manner, the woman may think about divorce. Often, women who are financially dependent on their husbands experience even greater fear and humiliation at the thought of divorce. Children, especially those of preschool age, complicate the adoption of such a decision. Mothers of babies are often forced to fully devote themselves to household and upbringing, giving up opportunities for professional implementation and career growth. However, in this case, you can find a way out.
It is worth preparing for a divorce in advance - to think over, firstly, where you can go with your child in order to get rid of scandals and other troubles. Secondly, to determine the possible ways of earning. For example, many will find the opportunity to work remotely from home, combining parenting and earning income, to work. In addition to financial independence, work for a woman can be a real salvation: by raising her self-esteem and experiencing past humiliations, she will not only feel more comfortable psychologically, but will also take the first step towards a new relationship.
A woman who can provide for herself and her child, according to psychologists, is relatively protected from her husband or partner who can offend and humiliate her half. Unfortunately, men often believe that they have some reason to behave disrespectfully towards their chosen one, if she "sits on the neck." For some reason, they do not take into account that housekeeping and “sitting at home” with a child is no less tiring and stressful than an eight-day working day in an office or a shift at a factory. According to some men, having replaced their wife for a day and stayed at home with a child (and sometimes with several children), they were forced to change their minds, recognizing that a woman can be very tired during the day and needs support.