If you are in search of a second half, then it will be useful for you to find out how girls see guys, what can attract their attention and what repel. After all, the female perception of the surrounding reality differs from the male, which means that you need to be able to correctly draw attention to yourself.

Step 1
First, looks. In order to look handsome in the eyes of a girl, it is not necessary to have the face of DiCaprio and the figure of Stallone. Male beauty is in masculinity and in the ability to look after one's appearance. Clean hair, neat clothes that suit you, trimmed nails and polished shoes are the basics of a guy's beauty.
Step 2
Secondly, posture. An attractive guy is one who walks upright and holds his head high. The girls look at these. A person with a correct, straight posture and a firm gait gives the impression of self-confidence. Girls prefer confident guys.
Step 3
Third, the look. Girls first of all evaluate not the merits of your figure, but the "mirror of the soul" - the eyes. A direct, calm, clear look in the eyes can speak without words. It is also the main sign of interest and attention. You should not look at the girl with a testing, ingratiating, fearful, arrogant, evil look. This will definitely not inspire sympathy on her part.
Step 4
Fourth, a smile. A smile is not only a sign of attention, but also an expression of your inner state. In the eyes of the girl, the smiling guy looks happy, ready for easy communication. A smile almost always elicits a return smile.
Step 5
Fifth, physical fitness. Naturally, in the eyes of girls, guys who look after their bodies and are in good physical shape look more attractive. Such guys are good defenders, behind them, like a stone wall.