An interesting phenomenon appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages - the preacher Peter Damiani began to persistently practice self-reprimand, followed by his other followers, calling self-flagellation the only way of salvation from sins. Supporters of this doctrine were called flagellants.

The Holy Inquisition brought out heretics pretty quickly. Flagellants, under torture, said that the scourge pushed them into promiscuous intercourse with women and men, inciting lusts in them.
The ancient Romans also knew that spanking could have sexual connotations. In Rome, it was considered commonplace for men to flog women - this increased sexuality and increased their fertility.
Today, the erotic effect of flogging is a proven scientific fact. Rocking therapy is used to treat patients with impotence or frigidity. In this case, the maximum efficiency is achieved with a gender difference. For example, Filipino masseuses can bring an eighty-year-old man to orgasm with a single whip.
People perceive pain and pleasure on the same nerve receptors. The difference between pain and the height of bliss is only in the strength of the impact.
The names of the founders of the SM direction can be found from its name. They are considered the Austrian Leopold von Sacher-Masoch (author of the book "Venus in Furs"), as well as the notorious Frenchman Marquis de Sade.
In the last century, this was considered a pathology, but today most sexologists consider sadomasochism a natural form of sexual relations, of course, if one of the parties does not force the other to enter into such contacts under compulsion.
Sexologists refer to sadomasochism as erotic role-playing games. One side plays weakness, the other dominates. For sadomasochism, the following elements are characteristic: spanking (erotic flogging) and bondage (bondage). There is a wide variety of SM-props (gags, whips, handcuffs, various devices for tying up and inflicting pain).
It is believed that every person is prone to violence from birth to a certain extent, and many women have developed a tendency to obey. So through SM games, these tendencies can be safely realized by experiencing new sexual experiences.