Every year the problems of infertility are becoming more and more relevant, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that many various myths have been created around it. Here are the most common ones:

Step 1
Infertility is only a female problem. In fact, the problem of infertility is a problem for both sexes. In thirty-five percent of cases, men are to blame, in twenty percent - both partners, in 10 percent the reason is unknown, and in thirty-five percent there is already a problem in a woman. It follows that infertility is a problem for both women and men.
Step 2
Infertility is a psychological problem. In other words, a woman who thinks that she is "possibly" infertile may not get pregnant. And, on the other hand, if she does not think at all about the difficulties of conception and pregnancy, she will definitely see two stripes. This is also a myth. In fact, infertility refers to diseases of the reproductive system, that is, you should not think that you can overcome infertility with the help of rest, vacation and tranquility. Of course, this will affect health, but it will not affect infertility.
Step 3
If parents try to conceive a child often, they will succeed. Alas, this is not the case. It is best to see your doctor to increase your chances of conception by fifty percent. In addition, you need to take medications and be monitored by a doctor in order to get pregnant.
Step 4
Taking a foster child can increase your chances of getting pregnant. This is generally strange and absurd by its definition. In addition to all this, it encourages the use of "step-children", adopted children as an incentive or reason for pregnancy. With this approach, it is better not even to create a family. According to statistics, only five percent of couples manage to get pregnant.
Step 5
Men leave the family when they find out about infertility. Of course, there are such cases, but there are very, very few of them, since most men know that the problem is not always in the woman. Some couples only get stronger, because they are united by a common problem.
Step 6
Infertile couples are unhappy. Without a doubt, most couples experience this problem very hard, but there are also couples who decide to take an adopted child and give him all their love. This means that everything depends entirely on the couples themselves and their desire to become happy.