You have adorable twin daughters, still such crumbs, and so alike! And yet you notice how they, each in its own way, wrinkle their forehead, smile, stretch. And I want the chosen names to be perfect for the girls, emphasizing their differences, but indicating that they are twins. And those around them remembered and liked them. Therefore, parents have a difficult question - what to call twin girls?

Step 1
Look for names that are consonant but different in interpretation. For example, such names can be Alina and Albina, Marina and Marianna, Asya and Tasya (Taisia), Lydia and Lilia, Arina and Irina, Zhanna and Anna, Nina and Nika (derived from Veronica). It is quite possible that the diminutive forms of these names will be different, but the fact that they sound similar will say that girls are sisters.
Step 2
You can use different variations on the same theme in the names. For example, historical: Yaroslava and Miroslava, Catherine and Elizabeth. Or mythological - Diana and Ariadne, Juno and Aurora, Venus and Victoria. Do not forget about the combination of such kind and important words for all of us as Hope and Love, Faith and Love. Or names by the names of the months - February and Marta, Maya and Julia (Julia), or on a floral theme - Rose and Violetta, Flora and Camilla.
Step 3
Look for names in your favorite literary works, fairy tales, movies. It is not at all necessary that the names you choose have to be a pair. It is enough that they match the appearance and character of the girls. For example, Margarita and Aglaya, Sophia and Isolde, Angelina and Alisa, Polina and Vasilisa, Olga and Tatiana, Varvara and Veronika, Gerda and Amelie.
Step 4
If your twin daughters are distinguished by a lively character and you like female names derived from male names, then here are excellent options for you: Valeria and Vladislav, Alexander and Eugene, Ruslan and Bogdan, Valentin and Vitalin, Jan and John.
Step 5
Choose from a variety of names a combination of two exotic - Eastern or European, which, as you think, will make the fate of your daughters unique and happy. For example, Emma and Ella, Zemfira and Zara, Inessa and Isabella, Irena and Ilona, Stephanie and Theodora, Melania and Monica, Teresa and Roxana.
Step 6
If you absolutely do not like various delights and linguistic finds, then for your girls there are wonderful simple Russian names that go well with each other and will never go out of fashion, for example - Elena and Natalia, Svetlana and Tatiana, Maria and Daria, Anna and Vera, Zoya and Oksana, Xenia and Lydia.