It so happens that you spent very little time together, perhaps just one date, after which your partner does not want to continue the relationship. There may be several reasons for this - from a banal mismatch of sympathies to mistakes that were made by you at the first meetings.

We choose, we are chosen
Some people like others, and these others sometimes like others. If you only met once, then it is likely that this person simply did not appreciate you. Everyone has different tastes, but sympathy is either there or not. If you have not "hooked" the other person, he will not date you. Nothing can be done here, you can only accept. But you don't need to be upset either.
If your relationship hasn't really started, then your feelings are still shallow. It's okay for someone to dislike you. There is definitely a person for whom you will be the perfect partner. Instead of thinking about what's wrong with you, just focus on finding the right person.
When you find “your” person, it quickly becomes clear why it didn’t work out with others.
Relationships can end quickly for the most commonplace reasons. It happens that you liked a person, and you, apparently, did too. But it still didn't work out. Perhaps you made some kind of mistake that simply scared the other person away from you.
Mistake 1. Too fast approach. You barely had time to get to know each other, as you are already making plans on how to organize a family dinner so that your chosen one and family members can get to know each other better. You are very upset that after the second date they do not want to share your Vkontakte password with you, because close people have nothing to hide from each other!
But trust and true intimacy are things that don't take hold in relationships very quickly. Getting to know your family, your friends and measuring with pin codes from bank cards is far from the very first thing to worry about. Remember that everyone needs personal space, do not intrude too actively into someone else's, otherwise the person will simply be frightened.
Mistake 2. Fantasies about the future. You shared with the chosen one how you see your joint future. You will have a cozy apartment in bright colors, and you will have two children, a boy and a girl. At first he turned pale, and then said that he would leave to call a friend, but for some reason he never came back. It's just that your future is not something to dream of in the early days of a relationship. Don't get too serious from the early days.
You can only talk about fantasies about the future when you already have a solid present under your feet, when the relationship is strong enough.
Mistake 3. Money. You borrowed money for a man, and he said he would give it back. But for some reason then he did not call back. Finance is a very thin and dangerous ice if your relationship is just starting. Some people are frivolous about debt, but still their conscience does not allow them to meet with you and be your debtor. Or perhaps the person is simply embarrassed that he did not give the money right away. It happens that girls "borrow" money from young people, and do not plan to return it at all, considering it in the order of things. It's ugly to do that. A gift from a guy should be his initiative, not a fact that you put him in front of.