Why Relationship Fights Occur

Why Relationship Fights Occur
Why Relationship Fights Occur

Each couple, during long communication or living together, has conflict situations. Otherwise, a quarrel can be called a deterioration in relations between people, after which a tense situation arises, screams or communication already with a raised voice. Quarrels can be about nonsense or a good reason.

Why relationship fights occur
Why relationship fights occur

Sometimes conflict situations can arise if people are already in a bad mood before a quarrel or in a negative state after a working day, exhaustion. Also, the reason for its occurrence may be a lack of understanding from the other side.

For example, a wife expects from her husband that, after eating, he will wash the dishes and clean up the table, but he does not, a conflict may arise. If the wife is busy and in a good mood, everything will work out, and she herself will be able to remove it, but otherwise it seems to be a trifle, or there may already be a reason or a reason for a quarrel.

Conflict situations are almost constantly triggered emotionally. Sometimes, in a strong quarrel, which started small, at the end, offensive or unpleasant phrases such as "I am sorry I met you!", "How could I even let you become a part of my life ?!" Without even noticing, you can express everything that has boiled and sore over several years. The result is discomfort, mood spoils for both, nerves are frayed, but there are no conclusions, and this is the worst outcome of a quarrel.

Similar situations can occur with those couples who love each other very much. These kinds of quarrels only harm the relationship, and there are practically no results. You can move away from this in different ways: within an hour or after a few weeks. But, unfortunately, the fact of a quarrel may appear after a while. There are some rules to keep the quarrel to a minimum for both.

1. The quarrel, if it has already arisen, must have a good reason. In the example, one could simply answer: “I don’t like that you don’t wash the dishes after yourself and don’t clear the table.”

2. In case of mutual deviation from the topic of the quarrel, it is better to stop doing it.

3. It is definitely not worth pointing out the shortcomings, for example, with the words "Slob, inattentive, frivolous", because there is a discussion of the problem, and not the character of the person.

4. It is worth considering that if cleanliness is important to one person, it may not be very important to another.

5. Under no circumstances should you be frightened by a short-lived county from an apartment because a trifle can cause a divorce.
