People need positive emotions, because a joyful and happy person can achieve much more than one who is in deep and prolonged depression. You can feel joy in various situations in life, for example, you have been promoted at work or you have a baby. But it's one thing to get that positive emotion, and quite another to show it to those around you.

Step 1
First of all, objectively assess the situation in which you are. Look at the people around you. Let's say you've been promoted at work. Now you have heard those cherished words. Do not brag to all employees, because you can make yourself envious enemies, and this is the first step "into the abyss." Thank your boss and promise that you will not disappoint him.
Step 2
If joy is "bursting" with you, call your loved one and tell them about the situation. But this should be done outside the office, as others can hear you, you are not needed in extra "ears" now.
Step 3
There is another situation as well. Let's say you find out that you have become a father. Of course, with joy I want to tell this good news to the whole world, so do it. Here you can not hold back your emotions! In some cases, newly-made fathers strive to come to the hospital immediately after childbirth, kiss the mother and all the medical staff. You don't need to do this. Yes, no doubt, you are happy, joy knows no bounds, but think, because your wife went through a difficult period - childbirth - now she wants to rest.
Step 4
Psychologically speaking, joy is an uncontrollable feeling. A person who experiences these positive emotions can suppress them to some extent, but a smile will tell about happy moments. And do not hold it back, you should look at life with optimism!
Step 5
If you want to increase the amount of joy, arrange a holiday, invite your friends, do not hesitate to talk about a happy event, but it is still better not to shout about it at every corner, because someone may regard it as bragging. Believe in the best, and if you are happy today - live with these emotions, and do not think that tomorrow everything will return again and a lot of unresolved problems will appear. Rejoice, because laughter prolongs life!