Every newlywed couple sooner or later faces the first conflict. They don't expect to rip negative emotions on each other and voice their grievances.

A quarrel can arise for any reason, even if it is a missed call from one spouse, when the other needed his help. People tend to sometimes conflict, but you never want to expect accusations and quarrels from a loved one. And you certainly don't want to repeat the experience of the first quarrel. How can you avoid causing major conflicts?
Most destructive fights start when one spouse is quietly irritated by the other's actions. It is better to express your complaints in an offensive form, to explain what is wrong. Maybe you don't like watching football at high volume, or leaving dishes on the table all the time. And then the beloved husband will make the football quieter. And he will quietly put the plate in the sink. You can also work around.
For example, you shouldn't prove to your husband that you shouldn't dress your child very warmly on a windy, but frost-free day. You can agree with him, and dress your beloved child as it seems right. After all, no one will check, especially if the husband leaves for work. Although newlyweds do not have children, this method will come in handy for successfully avoiding conflicts.
And although you cannot do without quarrels at all, it is important to remember that you should not provoke your soul mate to raise their voice and tactless expressions of discontent. A woman can close her eyes to many things; in a family life, being alone is impossible.