Young couples are often not ready for everyday problems, which become the reasons for family quarrels over trifles. You should not spoil your mood with such troubles, because you can deal with them very effectively.

Quarrels are an inevitable part of family life
A young married couple will have to realize the fact that it will not be possible to completely avoid conflicts and quarrels. Sooner or later, they all the same arise, since it is natural for a person to argue and conflict even with himself. You just need to learn how to overcome them quickly and, if possible, without serious consequences.
How to behave if the conflict has already happened
If the fight has already happened, stay calm. Try to clearly and clearly convey your point of view, always without obscene curses and insults. By supporting the fight, you will not only fail to convince your partner that you are right, but will only aggravate the situation.
When in conflict, try to suppress your anger and calm down first. Otherwise, you can break loose and finally quarrel with your partner. If your character is more restrained and calm than that of your spouse, try not to start fights on your own.
If you want to ask your partner for something in everyday life, do it not in an imperative tone, but in the form of a request. Talk about your state of affairs during conflicts and your feelings. Describe how tired you are of fighting and asking for help. Surely the partner will calm down and agree to do what you ask without a scandal.
If the dispute has turned into a quarrel, there is no need to throw mutual reproaches and insults, just describe what makes you accept this point of view. If you want to buy something, and your soul mate is against, you do not need to reproach your partner in return for spending a lot too. Try to explain why you want to buy something, describe the benefits of this thing, its benefits for you.
If this doesn't work for your partner, stay calm and keep pushing. In the end, the partner, seeing your unshakable calmness and confidence, will get tired of arguing with you and agree. If the spouse persists anyway, try to justify him. Say that you understand his feelings and know that it is hard for him too. After that, gently repeat your request again. Even if you do not win the conflict, it is better to argue peacefully than to quarrel and be one step closer to destroying the family.
If you feel that an easy quarrel over trifles will soon turn into a scandal, offer to postpone the conversation until later. Directly tell your partner that you do not want to continue the conflict and that you both need to resolve the situation peacefully. Try to offer a compromise that suits everyone. Take your time and give your other half time to think things over. In turn, listen to your partner's compromise. Perhaps it is worth agreeing to it.
A big surprise for a husband / wife will be a compliment in the midst of an argument. Instead of already inactive proposals to make peace, you can say that you do not want to lose such a great debater and fiery speaker. A slight hint of an immediate trip to the cinema or cafe is also effective.
Always watch your speech during fights. Avoid the appearance of angry notes in your voice and too sweeping gestures. Your icy calm will make the fights meaningless and the next time you will definitely stop an overly hot partner from fanning the conflict out of a minor nuisance.