The beginning of the romance, which is called the bouquet and candy period, is the most wonderful time in a relationship. Unfortunately, this period ends sooner or later and passes into a new phase. And how you want to save tender and passionate emotions! Keeping the romance in a relationship for as long as possible doesn't take too much effort.

The main condition for maintaining romance is attention to your loved one. You already know that he is sure to be happy, so spoil him from time to time. It can be a favorite dish, tickets to a concert, a gym membership, or a meeting with friends …
Go out together for nature or travel more often. A change of scenery revives the senses.
Have romantic dinners in a restaurant. You can have a beautiful dinner at home, just without watching TV and discussing everyday problems, but simply enjoying each other's company.
Make surprises, surprise each other more often, do not be afraid of experiments, including intimate ones. It can be spicy little notes in unexpected places, role-playing games, sex lingerie, or simply no underwear!
Be sure to compliment and praise each other. Words of approval from a loved one sound like sweet music, especially when spoken in front of others.
Talk heart to heart, frankly share your feelings, fears, doubts with your loved one. Confidential conversations will not allow chill and disappointment to penetrate your relationship.
Be sure to watch your appearance, do not dissolve when the first passions have already subsided. Of course, spiritual qualities are very important, but remember that your loved one should be proud of you in society. By the way, you need to look decent at home so as not to lose its attractiveness.
The very name "bouquet and candy period" should prompt a man: give your beloved woman flowers and sweets, moreover, not only on March 8 and on his birthday. It will be especially appreciated if the present is presented without a traditional reason, but solely as a sign of love. A loving woman will also always find an opportunity to make a gift, not necessarily an expensive one.