Long-term relationships show people's affection for each other and comfortable coexistence within the same apartment. But they are not always an indicator of true love, because it is not so easy to keep it for many years.

Step 1
Surprise each other. To maintain feelings in a relationship, partners must invariably change, surprising each other and opening up from a new side. As long as you are capable of change, you are able to maintain your love. Surprise your partner with a new hairstyle, style of dress, choice of location for the weekend.
Step 2
Maintain personal space. Do not seek to merge with your loved one, always be yourself. And this means own interests, hobbies, activities and friends. Once you stop doing anything other than your relationship, love will start to fade.
Step 3
Take care of your loved one. Affection, tenderness, care and their manifestations are the basis of a romantic relationship. Show interest in his problems, share successes, help overcome this or that barrier, and show that you are always ready to be there.
Step 4
Discuss the relationship. Love is unthinkable without dialogue, so don't stop talking about feelings and relationships in general. Do not slip into conversations about everyday problems, complaints and gossip. Take a break from everyday life by opening your soul and heart to your partner.
Step 5
Change in your sexual relationship. Maintaining passion in bed is another challenge for those who do not want to lose their love over the years together. Add romance and give your loved one new sensations.
Step 6
Try something new together. Joint emotions support relationships, do not let love fade away. Take up snowboarding, dance, or start learning languages - it doesn't matter which one you choose, as long as you two are interested in the activity.
Step 7
Do not keep resentment and anger at your loved one, emotional experiences are one of the facets of a relationship, and you will not be able to hide from it. Always show emotions, even if they are negative. Their accumulation will lead to a scandal that will break out when you yourself will not wait for it.