How To Keep Love In A Relationship

How To Keep Love In A Relationship
How To Keep Love In A Relationship

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It is not enough to meet your love - it must also be preserved. Unfortunately, it often happens that love dissolves in everyday trifles, daily problems, family routine - and after a few years there is no trace of the former heartfelt thrill. And some couples live together for years - and their affection grows stronger every year.

How to keep love in a relationship
How to keep love in a relationship


Step 1

They say that most divorces happen because a woman hopes that the man in the marriage will change, and the man thinks that the woman will remain the same forever. Therefore, one of the main rules that will help preserve love is, on the one hand, not to consider your partner as your property and not to strive to remake him “for yourself,” on the other, to remain yourself.

Step 2

You should not strive to be an inseparable couple, constantly holding each other's hands. It is important to continue to be interested not only in your spouse and family, but also in yourself - your desires, needs, interests. Otherwise, after a few years, you will find that apart from home and everyday life, you do nothing, and that you have nothing to tell your loved one, and your family communication has been reduced to discussing the menu for dinner and the timing of the trip to your mother-in-law.

Step 3

Keep your distance. Yes, husband and wife are a single whole, but nevertheless it is worth remembering that there are "intimate" things, and that personal space is necessary for every person. Therefore, do not walk around the house in such a way in which it is embarrassing to open the door to a stranger, leave yourself some little secrets - and be sure to give each family member a corner of the apartment where you can be alone. Or at least a personal shelf in the closet where you can hide a surprise in store for the holiday.

Step 4

Don't blackmail your partner by not having sex. Girls are especially prone to refuse lovemaking if they are offended or do not get what they want. But physical love is an act of mutual trust, and turning it into an additional argument in an argument or a "big favor" to a spouse is a direct path to killing love.

Step 5

And do not forget to constantly "confirm" your love in different ways. This can be words (praise, gratitude, compliments), and inexpensive gifts "for no reason", and time devoted to a partner (conversations, joint activities). As well as gentle touches and displays of ordinary household care. At the same time, different things can be significant for different people - so it is important to understand what is the most pleasant for your partner: a kiss goodbye or a cooked breakfast.

Step 6

Finally, remember that we are all human and that living together with anyone can hardly be like an endless holiday. We are all sometimes sick, sometimes tired, sometimes hot-tempered, and there is hardly a person on Earth with an ideal character. But any problems that arise in life together can be solved. At the same time, the main thing is to respect your partner, strive to understand him - and be able to talk to each other. And love will not leave you.
