People often complain that even the closest ones do not understand them, let alone those around them. Especially, this is typical of adolescents, when protest and the desire to do everything in their own way come to the fore. Constant misunderstanding makes a person closed, secretive, he tries not to come into contact with other people. Lack of understanding is a sign of unhealthy relationships.

Step 1
The reasons for misunderstanding can be the eternal struggle of generations, when fathers do not understand children and vice versa; too different interests, contradicting each other, for example, if you are a very religious person, and your spouse is an ardent atheist. Too demonstrative behavior, constant demands on others about trust, and much more give rise to misunderstanding. In any case, there is a conflict, the delay of which can lead to lasting changes in relationships and self-esteem. It is sometimes very difficult to achieve understanding, and especially, mutual understanding. This is a reciprocal process, it takes time and skill to rebuild, to accept something that you may not want to accept.
Try to put yourself in the shoes of someone who you think doesn't want to understand you. This can be your child or one of the parents, work colleagues, friends, boss. It is very important to be able to look at what is happening through the eyes of these people and identify what causes their protest. In this way, you will determine the cause of the misunderstanding and, if you wish, can correct it either through direct dialogue or by changing your own behavior.
Step 2
If we are talking about a misunderstanding between very close people, you can use a confidential conversation in which everyone, without insults and hints, can express to the other what he does not like. Together, you can solve many problems, develop a relationship algorithm that will be convenient for both of you.
Step 3
Conflicts with superiors are very often observed. It seems to you that you are not appreciated, understood, not included in your position. If your child is sick, the boss does not let you go home early, but requires you to work your shift before the call. Here the problem is most likely in the boss himself, although it is possible that you once gave a reason for such an attitude towards you. Take a closer look, whether he only treats you in this way, or maybe this is his usual behavior. In the second case, you have nothing to worry about. Collectively, even the most oppressive leader can be put in place. If you are the one causing the negative reaction, take a closer look at yourself. Are you doing your job well? Does your costume, demeanor correspond to those accepted in this organization? Maybe the reason is not at all in you, but in your red blouse, which annoys the boss? Think, maybe this work is not at all worth the nerves that you spend.