The question of whether to arrange scenes of jealousy worries many women. There is no definite answer to it. In some couples, such a "shake-up" leads to a stormy and passionate reconciliation, in others - it ends in a grand scandal and parting. Therefore, the decision whether to be jealous or not to be jealous of a partner openly, each woman makes for herself.

Scenes of jealousy - when they are definitely superfluous
At the very beginning of a relationship, when a man and a woman are just beginning to get to know each other, scenes of jealousy are absolutely superfluous and very often lead to separation. A romance may fade away before it starts. And all because jealousy is a manifestation of a sense of ownership, which at first meetings looks rather strange. The man is not yet completely sure that he wants a relationship with this woman, and she is already making claims to him, often not even justified. This behavior scares off many. The man wonders what will happen next if it all started so “cool”. And he is frightened by such an intensity of passions.
During a scene of jealousy, you should not blame a man for all mortal sins. Talk about your feelings. So you are more likely to convey why you are offended by his inattention and flirting with other women.
You should not arrange scenes of jealousy even when a partner accidentally glanced at another girl or said a compliment to a friend. This does not mean at all that he was going to change. Simply, as you know, men "love" with their eyes, they are attracted by everything beautiful. And an inadequate reaction of a partner to a simple innocent flirting will cause bewilderment. A man will begin to wonder why she is not sure of herself, what is wrong with her. And the deeper he delves into this, the more likely he will find some small flaws and begin to look closely at them. Therefore, a woman should not show that her partner's innocent flirting with others somehow hurts her. Thus, she will make it clear that she does not see her competitors.
Do not make scenes of jealousy in public or with family members. Even the most loving man is unlikely to react calmly to a "public flogging".
When scenes of jealousy are good
There are times when jealousy restores peace and well-being in a couple. This happens when a lot of time has passed since the meeting of a man and a woman - from a year or more. They have already "got used" to each other, everyday relationships have come to the place of passion. It is at this moment that a good "shake-up" is required. Jealousy will make it clear to a man that he is just as loved as before. And having made sure of this, he will look at his girlfriend in a different way, discover new facets of her character, which will seem interesting and unusual to him. The main thing is not to overdo it with scandals. If they wait for a partner every evening, they very soon become the norm and stop adding “peppercorn” to the relationship.