Family Conflicts

Family Conflicts
Family Conflicts

Family conflicts are the main cause of unstable families. Avoiding conflicts and not communicating them is a very great art that both partners should learn.

Family conflicts
Family conflicts

"Lovely ones scold - only amuse themselves." There is such a saying, but, unfortunately, family quarrels can grow into something more, and often it is family strife that leads to such disastrous consequences that could be easily avoided - you just had to sit down and figure out their cause.

Yes, family conflicts are far from uncommon, especially at the very first stages of a family's existence. They are connected with the fact that when two people enter into a relationship, they simply cannot yet fully know each other, all habits, behaviors, characters, etc. It is the difference in characters and way of life that was before marriage that often provokes conflicts.

Discord can arise for any reason - both on domestic grounds and on financial grounds. There are often disagreements in the family on issues of work and, most importantly, on issues of raising children.

How to avoid conflicts? The question is very long and deep. It all depends on the mood and attitude with which both partners came to the family. But one fact is obvious - each partner will have to give up some principles that he (or she) had before entering into a legal relationship. If this is not done, then each side will pull the "blanket" over itself, and as a result, a very long and protracted conflict will arise, which will undoubtedly affect the general family structure.

Another way to solve the problem is to have a peaceful conversation. If someone fails to tune in to a peaceful or at least businesslike way (but not aggressive!), Then it seems that it is simply better to postpone the conversation until another, more suitable time for him.

Oddly enough, but the wisdom of the partner will play a very large role in family conflicts. If you are not right, you need to admit it. If the matter under discussion is not important, it is better to give the right of choice to another partner, to withdraw from the discussion of the problem.

The rules seem to be very simple, but they are incredibly difficult to follow. Especially if the partner is escalating the conflict in terms of energy. However, only this will help preserve the family and strengthen the relationship, even despite the conflicts.

In conclusion, it is worth noting the fact that conflicts in the family, although they are undesirable, nevertheless, in themselves, contribute to the strengthening of the family. This does not mean that you need to artificially conflict with your partner. It just means that early family strife is a natural stage in a relationship. To go through this stage wisely, without destroying what has just begun - this is the main task of both partners.
