The constellation method means the purposeful awareness of a person of the deep causes of his family conflicts. The way a person places positions on the people around him largely determines the situation.

People tend to take on other people's roles. It would seem that there was no betrayal in your family, but the feeling of jealousy is still present. This phenomenon is quite acceptable. If there was a moment in your life when you observed a similar situation on the example of parents, relatives, friends, then most likely you unconsciously reproduce it in your life.
Cases of imbalance in love between spouses in some cases lead to sad consequences. The constellation method shows that a child, being abused by one parent, compensates for the love that was not fully given by the other.
In case of violation of the hierarchy of relations, you can also use the method of family constellations. In cases of divorce, parents often have no interest in the child. Solving their own conflicts, they forget about the upbringing of the child. Parents do not hesitate to ask their child for advice on how to deal with family difficulties. Thus, the child becomes one step higher than the adult. This role reversal can lead to a decrease in the parents' self-esteem and self-confidence, as well as to a decrease in academic performance and psychological discomfort for the child.
Sometimes even physiological problems are solved by the method of constellations. If one of the spouses eats less, the other will begin to gain weight as a balance. The same goes for the level of performance. With the hyperactivity of one spouse, the second, in order to achieve balance, will stop going to work and do household chores.