That's what love is. This is the desire to see God in another person. This is the desire to express the best feelings, the best qualities. This is the aspiration of the soul, which beats as a bird in a cage and wants to break out.

Love is when you idolize a person, raise him to heaven, pray to him, stand before him open and naked as before God. You trust him with your life, your fears, your dreams, dreams, the most intimate that is in you. You sacrifice yourself, your life. You are ready to give up everything, ready to devote your whole life for him. You see and believe only in his holiness, his divine origin. He becomes for you the most important thing in the whole wide world.
And your gift is priceless. You made this man God. And the task of the other person is to accept your love, to accept your sacrifice. His task is to find the strength to endure, to give hope, faith. His task is to accept that he is God. Understand that there is no other God but you for him. No, and there has never been another ephemeral God living out there somewhere. You are his incarnation, “avatara” is the earthly incarnation of the Divine. Your task is to accept this responsibility, because it makes him so happy. After all, you are now the best thing in his life, you are the ideal. You become the reason for his happiness, inspiration, a source of strength, prayer, meditation.
And you're right. Love without borders, without taboos, without restrictions, without fear and doubt. After all, this is the only real miracle - to see God in something else. After all, God was always present there, and you saw it! And this is the only thing that makes you truly Alive!