Starting a life together is always a little scary. Girls much more often than men think about how life will be built, what awaits them and how a real family life will turn out together. And it is really not easy arranged.

Getting started together is often a challenge for a couple. Relationships are tested for strength, and some do not. A girl who is ready in advance for all troubles and is able to adapt to new circumstances of life can cope with all difficulties.
The first one and a half to two weeks will seem like a real fairy tale. A man, pleased that now his beloved will always be there, will literally carry you in his arms. He will take over breakfast in bed, cleaning and cooking dinners, for a while he will become an almost ideal chosen one, and you will enjoy your move every second. Unfortunately, the tale will end quickly.
Gradually, you will take on the responsibilities of the house. At first, it will be a pleasure for you to clean the apartment every day and prepare culinary delights. The man will appreciate it and be grateful for everything you do for him. But that will soon pass. They quickly get used to good things, so soon the beloved will take all your efforts for granted.
The next test lies in wait for you psychologically. Living together is the constant presence of another person in your personal space. And no matter how much you love this person, sometimes you will be ready to give up all the riches of the world in order to be alone. It is possible that your couple will not immediately converge in everyday life, and it will be difficult to get along for a while. This time will be characterized by constant quarrels. Banally scattered socks, dishes uncleared from the table, documents thrown along with purchases from the store - all this will gradually bring you to a boil, and you, no longer able to restrain yourself, will express all your complaints to your man.
Despite all the difficulties, family life still has its advantages. You can see them avoiding sharp corners. So, after moving in with a man, discuss the responsibilities of each around the house. This way, you can protect yourself from further quarrels over the decision who washes the dishes today. Explain to your loved one how you used to live. For example, you need to spend one hour a day alone. Nobody will take away your personal space, you just have to say it directly.
Don't let everyday life destroy romance. Of course, over time, you will get so used to each other that the relationship will change, but still try to do your best to postpone this moment. At home, take care of your appearance, exclude dirty bathrobes and worn-out house shoes, teach a man to cleanliness and order, as well as to maintain them. Do not sit in a confined space, try to go to the movies, restaurants more often, meet friends together and separately.