Anyone who thinks that true love will last forever, and family life does not need improvement, is deeply mistaken. Family and love are large areas of activity for both spouses. If you run them, then everything can go awry, up to the collapse of family relationships. You need to build love and build family relationships throughout your life.

Step 1
Assess the sexual side of your relationship. In order for family life to be bright, so that the husband does not stare at other women, it is necessary to qualitatively diversify intimate life. By the way, your health also depends on this. Give up old-fashioned Saturday sex once and for all. Light up the fire of desires in your husband, awaken a volcano of passions in him, using imagination: arrange an evening of erotic dancing or Thai massage, offer to watch an adult movie with an interesting plot together, and then try to repeat scenes that especially impressed you. A man will never lose sexual interest in a woman who surprises him in bed and is not afraid to experiment.
Step 2
Assess your relationship. If you notice that communication with your husband ends with the discussion of everyday little things, this is a serious reason to start improving the relationship. Try to spend more time alone or with your children. Look for a pastime that is enjoyable for both you and your husband.
Step 3
Well-established family relationships begin with trust - communicate more heart to heart, share problems and successes with each other. Support each other. Each of the spouses should perceive the family as a kind of "rear", where there is always support, protection and understanding.
Step 4
Assess your financial concerns. Often family relationships collapse due to financial disputes between spouses. Be clear about who will be responsible for household expenses. Distribute the family budget jointly, consulting with each other. Don't make big purchases without your husband's help.
Step 5
Distribute household chores. Often the whole life in the family falls on the fragile shoulders of a woman, which becomes the cause of her nervousness and discontent. Do not hesitate to ask your husband to help you around the house, praise him if he takes the initiative in this. Come up with a bonus system: "You wash the dishes, and I'll cook your favorite ribs for dinner."
Step 6
Maintain a relaxed family atmosphere. You can improve family relationships with the help of the ability to avoid quarrels and scandals. A man will sooner strive to come home, where an affectionate wife, cheerful children and a hot dinner await him.