How To Improve Your Sex Life In Marriage

How To Improve Your Sex Life In Marriage
How To Improve Your Sex Life In Marriage

Ideal sexual relationships are similar to the Chinese yin-yang symbol, where a man and a woman complement each other and create one whole together. At first, the balance is maintained by passion and vivid emotions. However, the longer people live together, the harder it becomes to maintain harmony. Keeping a partner's sexual interest at the proper level is not a difficult task. The main thing is to learn how to get maximum pleasure from intimacy.

How to improve your sex life in marriage
How to improve your sex life in marriage

The most common causes of problems in the sexual life of spouses are temperament mismatches and physiological features. The process of arousal and subsequent ejaculation in a man takes on average from two to fifteen minutes. A woman needs at least half an hour to get aroused.

During arousal, a woman's vagina is moistened, the uterus moves back a little. The impatience of a man in this case can lead to painful sensations of the partner and injury to the cervix (erosion). It must be remembered that sex is not a physical exercise: I fell down, did it, for all three minutes. It is recommended to aim for quality rather than result.

In addition to haste, sex does not tolerate routine and schedule. According to research by psychologists, the first serious crisis of sexual relations occurs after the birth of a child, when a woman subconsciously ceases to feel her body as a source of pleasure for a partner (for example, the breast is no longer an erogenous zone for a husband, but a vessel for feeding a baby, etc.).

Often, after childbirth, a woman experiences a complex about the imperfection of her figure and refuses her spouse in intimacy, fearing to disappoint him with her extra folds, etc. All the time is devoted to motherhood, and one of the days off is allotted for sex. A man is either forced to humbly endure this state of affairs, or find satisfaction on the side.

A way out of the situation for the husband: to seduce the spouse anew, support in caring for herself and the baby, open up new horizons of intimacy for her, without prejudice to the interests of the child. Although the first two months after giving birth, a woman should avoid sexual intercourse so that the vaginal tissue can fully recover. However, you can do with long foreplay and oral sex without penetration.

For sex to bring mutual pleasure, the process must be given entirely, without a trace. Nothing should interfere with your privacy. There are times when an apartment has to be shared with relatives. There is no need to talk about full-fledged intimacy, the spouses are forced to restrain their impulses, fearing to be heard or seen.

You can diversify your sex life by arranging dates outside the home. For example, rent a hotel room for a day. Or experience the thrill in the bush by the river / beach at night, weather permitting. Or you can stay at home and send your relatives to the theater or cinema by presenting them with tickets.

A mismatch in the biological rhythms of the spouses can become a problem on the path to sexual harmony. The strongest erection in men is considered to be morning excitement. However, the owl woman is unlikely to be happy if she is woken up at 6 a.m. for sex. And the man-lark, in turn, will not tolerate nighttime adventures and will want to sleep at the moment when his half is at the peak of passion.

You should not immediately conflict or rush to change your habits. Watch each other, catch the time interval when the overall activity is at its maximum. Do not be afraid to surprise and delight.

Be spontaneous. Try offering to have sex in an unusual place (elevator, changing room, car, public restroom, etc.). Take care of your appearance - train your muscles, take care of your face and body skin, buy stylish clothes. Constantly explore your body and the body of your partner, because the most desirable is the person who is not ashamed of his fantasies and loves to give / receive sexual pleasure.
