Even the most ardent passion sooner or later passes, giving way to habit, routine and boredom. Feelings are no longer raging as before, and there is almost no sex. What is this, the end of the relationship? Or maybe you just need to bring romance and novelty to the relationship?

Despite the fact that love and passion are often confused, many couples who have lived together for many years know that these feelings are completely different. and often no more feelings remain. But it also happens that after passion comes mutual respect, warmth, tenderness - is this not love !? An even, calm relationship is no worse than raging passions. But if you cannot live without thrills and ardent feelings, then always
Tip 1. Change your image.
The easiest way to get your husband's attention is to experiment with your appearance. Get a trendy haircut, or simply change your hairstyle if you're sorry to cut your hair. Change jeans and trousers to skirts and dresses. Conversely, if you are always "in the parade", you should surprise your husband with tattered jeans or leather trousers with a shirt or T-shirt.
Tip 2. Make surprises.
If you give your husband gifts "for the house" (drill, tools) for all the holidays, then what kind of romance and passion can we talk about? Make an unexpected gift - perfume, erotic massage, romantic dinner. And it is not necessary to wait for any date to make your man pleasant, any day, evening, as well as night is suitable for this.
Tip 3. Change the environment.
Traveling, even to another city, will help you to escape from problems and escape from the familiar environment. The feeling of freedom and independence will remind you of your first meetings and the beginning of a relationship. And what could be more conducive to sexual desire than memories of past hot nights.
Tip 4. Talk to each other.
You don't have to shut yourself up or pretend that everything is great. Your shared desires and feelings are a great topic for discussion over a cup of tea or a glass of wine at dinner. Rest assured, men value those who trust them and consult with them. On the contrary, they feel that they are suspected or secretive, it frightens and annoys them.
Tip 5. Be an interesting person.
A woman should have personal interests, hobbies and interests. This makes her interesting and attractive in the eyes of a man. Get interested in cinema, theater, go to exhibitions. Then you will always have something to tell your husband about, in addition to clarifying the relationship and reproaches. An independent, independent woman is always sexy and cannot be deprived of male attention.