What To Do If The Wife Found Women's Panties In Her Pocket

What To Do If The Wife Found Women's Panties In Her Pocket
What To Do If The Wife Found Women's Panties In Her Pocket

What if your wife found someone else's panties in your pocket? Lie? Tell the truth? It all depends on you. But there are some tips to help soften the blow to family life a little.

wife found someone else's panties in her pocket
wife found someone else's panties in her pocket

You started an affair on the side, and your wife declassified you? And now belligerently twirling other people's panties in front of your nose? How to be in such a situation, what to say and what to do? The situation is extremely bad, but not the most disastrous.

If you don't want to tell the truth

Even if you are pinned against the wall, you can still lie. For what reasons, it is purely your personal matter. But if you have already decided not to tell the truth, then do everything wisely. For example, you might say that you bought these panties for your wife, put them in your pocket, and have forgotten to give them away for several days. This will work if your wife and mistress have the same shapes. If the size is clearly different, then something else is worth saying.

If you are lying to your wife, then lie to the end, do not confess. If the size of the panties does not suit your wife, then you can say that you found them, for example, wrapped around the exhaust pipe of a car. Better to let your wife think that someone is taking revenge on you or making jokes about you unsuccessfully than suspecting you of treason. The more silly the story, the easier it is to believe in it. There is no need to invent something extravagant, a simple story is enough. Calm tone, no panic in his voice.

Alternatively, you can say that your friend's wife almost caught cheating, and you saved him by taking other people's panties. And then you just forgot to throw them away or give them away, so they ended up in your pocket. Warn your friend about your legend later so that your wife can check the veracity of your words.

Tell them that someone threw them at you and you didn't even notice. Stand your ground. If you have already said that you do not know where this underwear is in your pocket, then bend your line firmly and confidently to the end. You can even go on the offensive, declaring that your wife does not trust you. This is the best defense in these situations.

Only the truth, no lies

If you hate to lie to your wife, then it is better to tell the truth. Whatever it is. If you really started intrigue on the side, then tell your spouse about it. Do you want to lose her? Tell us about your motives. For example, that you love your wife very much, and she has become too cold with you. Try to explain that these panties in your pocket, like their owner, are just an episode for you, nothing more.

Remember that even if you lie, you will sow doubts in your spouse. She will become more suspicious, she will check you and your belongings more often. Not only pockets, but your phone, for example. Try to maintain a relationship with your spouse if you really need to. And, of course, sever the relationship with the owner of the ill-fated panties out of your pocket.
