Books On How To Keep Your Family Together

Books On How To Keep Your Family Together
Books On How To Keep Your Family Together

The psychology of family relationships is not an easy topic, and every book that talks about how to preserve a family and the love of a loved one reveals only the view of its author, one side of the problem. It is helpful to read several books in order to become familiar with the problem as fully as possible.

Books on how to keep your family together
Books on how to keep your family together

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus

The author of the book is John Gray. This is the bestselling book that has saved countless marriages from complete ruin. The author in a very vivid and figurative language was able to explain that men and women are really very different and often the root of misunderstanding lies not in the fact that they do not love each other or are ignored, but that they are simply different. Very different. People from two different planets! They can look at some things so differently that it’s amazing how they understand each other at least in some way. This book is very useful for those who think that perfect rapport can be achieved with a marriage partner.

The charm of femininity

By Helen Andelin. Another bestseller that saved as many families from divorce as the first book. In these turbulent times, when women often take the initiative and try to make as many decisions in the family as possible, men often feel out of work. This becomes the cause of a latent but constantly developing tension that eventually leads to a crisis. For many women, it is useful to reconsider the characteristics of their behavior, because it is the woman who is the traditional keeper of the family hearth.

Games People Play

And the second book is People Who Play Games, by Eric Berne. These are fundamental psychological works on human relationships, both books are among the main textbooks in classical psychology. Nevertheless, they are read quite easily and turn out to be very interesting even for those people who do not seek to make a career in the field of resolving interpersonal dramas, but would like to limit themselves only to their own well-being.

Eric Berne's theory that the behavior of each person is based on one of his subpersonalities (parent, adult and child), gave birth to a system of transactional analysis, which allows you to analyze specific situations between people, identify where one or the second partner is wrong and determine the direction for work on yourself. These books also offer something like a universal collection of effective solutions to any interpersonal problem that are used by millions of people around the world.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Posted by Stephen Covey. It may seem that this book is far from family psychology, but this is only at first glance. It rarely happens that serious problems arise in a family without deep contradictions between partners. To understand the direction of your life and find out what your goals are, this book fits perfectly. People who understand why they need a family and what they should strive for to develop relationships are unlikely to quarrel over trifles. This book will allow you to increase not only your own efficiency, but also the effectiveness of any relationship, including family.
