An ideal and friendly family is the pride of a person, on the creation and strengthening of which he painstakingly worked for more than one year, and maybe even a dozen years. But such efforts are not in vain. They justify themselves and evoke enthusiastic responses from others.

It's no secret that not everyone is willing to work so hard for the good of their family. That is why close-knit families are extremely rare. But you need to look up not to a bad example, but to a good one. And build a solid foundation for a friendly family with your own hands. And it consists, like the walls of the house, of "bricks" - small, but necessary and ultimately united into a single structure. What are these bricks?
The first and most important building block is respect between family members. It implies the absence of neglect and sarcasm in the voice, insults, reminders of mistakes. But it includes courtesy, attention and a patient attitude towards each other.
The second "brick" can rightfully be considered wisdom. If parents have such a quality, then they will not clarify misunderstandings among themselves in front of children, but will discuss controversial issues in private. So children will see the positive aspects of the union and perceive marriage and family as a calm and cozy place, and not a territory for arguments and screams. It is also important for parents to have a unified view of the upbringing of children and their punishment, and children should understand that it makes no sense to look for an approach to one of the parents and wait for him to cancel the punishment of the other.
Open communication is the third building block in the wall of a friendly family. In order for it to be present, it is very important, for example, to eat with the whole family and discuss what happened in everyone's life during the day. Children should be sure that they will not be judged in the family for their wrong actions, but will be supported and, if necessary, slightly scolded. In addition, plan joint vacations, walks, household chores and visits.
And the last "brick" is love. It is this quality that dictates all actions in a loving and friendly family. Love helps to give in, understand, forgive and forget, care, appreciate, support. She creates an atmosphere in the family and keeps it at a high level. Thanks to love, the family copes with all kinds of difficulties and, despite them, remains strong.
A friendly and close-knit family is getting stronger and stronger every year. Relationships in her contribute to happiness in the family and protect it. The members of such a union can be kindly envied.