During the period of bearing a child, many changes occur in a woman's body. Some are visible to others, such as a rounded tummy, while others, on the contrary, are hidden from prying eyes.

Step 1
There are many signs of pregnancy, but the very first experts call an increase in the sensitivity of the nipples. Any touch to this area causes uneasy discomfort in a woman, but also irritation and sharp pain. True, in some of the fair sex, the sensitivity of the nipples also increases before menstruation, so many women at the first stage of pregnancy are not even aware of their "interesting" position, writing off everything for the coming critical days. In the event that the expectant mother already knows about pregnancy and at the same time experiences severe pain in the nipples when touched or lightly pressed, it is recommended to change the bra. During the period of bearing a baby, it is better to choose the simplest underwear, made from natural materials. It is worth giving preference to bras, in which the cup does not have unnecessary seams and decorative elements, since they can become additional irritants for the nipples. Sometimes experts advise putting a small piece of rough tissue into the bra, it will not only help to reduce the sensitivity of the nipples, but also prepare the breast for the upcoming feeding.
Step 2
To reduce pain in the nipple area, you can take air baths. This should be done like this: at a cool temperature outside, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room, and then bare your chest and stand like this for 5-10 minutes. If it's hot outside, you can carry out air baths with an open window. The main thing is not to overdo it - not to overcool the chest. By the way, nipples become sensitive during pregnancy for a reason. This is the body's defensive reaction. It protects the bust from unnecessary stimulation during this period, which is dangerous in that it can provoke the production of the hormone oxytocin and, as a result, the contraction of the uterus.
Step 3
During the carrying of the child, the breast of the expectant mother noticeably swells and increases in size. It becomes heavier by about 2-3 times. Together with the breast, the nipples also swell, this is quite natural. They increase, become more convex and bulging. Many women are embarrassed by such changes, but you should not worry, after the birth of the baby and feeding, everything will return to normal. The most obvious sign of pregnancy that can be seen on the nipples is increased pigmentation. The nipples and areola around them darkens significantly, which is impossible not to notice. Of course, not all expectant mothers do this, but for most women, the nipples become darker or completely change their color.