What do gynecologists and obstetricians advise to prepare the body for childbirth in maternity hospitals and antenatal clinics

Step 1
The last trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end. The main part of the path to motherhood is already behind, and there is endless happiness ahead, which will come with the birth of a baby.
To prepare the body for a difficult test - childbirth, so that this process does not become a torment for mother and child, let's listen to the recommendations for preparing for childbirth, which are given in the antenatal clinic by an obstetrician-gynecologist.
Step 2
First of all, do not forget that pregnancy is not a disease and, if the doctor has not prescribed physical rest and bed rest, walk more, take a walk in the fresh air in a nearby park, away from highways. At the same time, you can perform breathing exercises, which will definitely come in handy in the delivery room: the muscles saturated with oxygen become stronger and more enduring, and the body learns to breathe correctly. And the baby, who is waiting for his birth, also receives a sufficient portion of oxygen.
Step 3
Continue to do simple gymnastics - exercises aimed at stretching the muscles. Under the influence of such exercises, the perineum becomes more elastic, which makes it easier for the child to exit and minimizes the likelihood of rupture. An example of stretching exercises: swing your legs to the sides while standing; in a sitting position, spread the legs bent at the knees to the sides.
Step 4
It is useful to include a large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet. Limit the use of thermally processed foods, meat (since meat, especially beef and pork, helps to reduce tissue elasticity), completely exclude canned, fried, smoked, rich foods. Be sure to consume enough unrefined vegetable oil at every meal. Such nutrition will provide the body with energy, vitamins, micro and macro-elements and fiber. A slice of black bread drizzled with vegetable oil is very useful as a snack. In order to prepare the cervix for the upcoming childbirth, it should be consumed daily, brewing, like tea, sage herb, raspberry stems and leaves. It is also helpful to consume a few slices of fresh pineapple daily.
Step 5
If there are no contraindications and the doctor has not prescribed sexual rest, engage in active unprotected sex, since the substances contained in male sperm have a softening effect on the cervix.
And, of course, mentally tune in to the successful course of childbirth.