Preparing For Childbirth. When To Prepare A Dowry For A Newborn?

Preparing For Childbirth. When To Prepare A Dowry For A Newborn?
Preparing For Childbirth. When To Prepare A Dowry For A Newborn?

Expectant mothers, indulging superstitions, try to delay the purchase of a dowry for their baby until the very last moment, but some things must be prepared before he is born.

Preparing for childbirth. When to prepare a dowry for a newborn?
Preparing for childbirth. When to prepare a dowry for a newborn?

Before the birth of a child, his parents must acquire many things: some of them are bought by the expectant mother herself, and some are acquired already in the process of caring for a newborn. Must-have items include hygiene products, which will be needed on the first day after giving birth, and clothing needed at the time of discharge from the hospital. Furniture and a stroller can be bought after the baby is born, but happy dad and other relatives usually do not find time for this, spending five days in the hustle and bustle of congratulations. In addition, a crib and other large accessories bought without mom's supervision may turn out to be uncomfortable.

One should not think that in the first month after birth it will be comfortable to walk with a baby in his arms - he needs a short nap in the fresh air, and it is better to transport bottles and spare clothes in the bag that comes with the stroller.

The list of newborn care supplies that you can take with you to the hospital includes vegetable oil, diapers and wet wipes. The oil is prepared at home by boiling ordinary sunflower oil or bought at the pharmacy. You should not take a product with perfume and dyes - babies are allergic to it. This applies primarily to imported goods. Better to take domestic ones. Almond oil has worked well.

Although mom's milk appears only on the 3rd day, doctors do not advise taking a bottle of water with you to the hospital, since the newborn's body contains enough fluid and has enough colostrum.

Avoiding diapers is not a good idea. Mothers who prefer the environmental friendliness of flannel and chintz diapers change their mind two days after the continuous care of their child. The practice of being separated is a thing of the past, and now a woman tired of childbirth does not have time to rest, sleep and recover. Weakened from stress and loss of blood, she must approach the newborn day and night, who calls for feeding and a change of a soaked diaper with a loud cry. And only diapers make it possible not to disturb your rest once again. Fears about baby skin are unfounded - thorough cleansing with wet wipes and application of vegetable oil will prevent redness.

Clothes for the newborn should be ready for discharge from the hospital. It includes a vest, romper or diaper, diaper, warm suit, socks, cap and envelope. In cold weather, a warm hat and overalls are added to the above. For a few days spent in the hospital, the figure of a woman in labor does not have time to come to the state inherent in her before pregnancy, so the mother can be discharged in clothes bought for carrying a child.

A crib, stroller and water bottles should be expected at home after discharge. The stock of diapers includes about 8 sheets: even when using diapers, they will have to be constantly changed due to the leaking of the latter. Many kids like to have their handles loose, so you should buy a few undershirts. A bath and bathing products should also be prepared.
