Waiting for the birth of a new family member brings not only joy, but also trouble. After all, you need to prepare a dowry for the baby, so that after arriving from the hospital, neither the baby nor the mother needs anything.

You will have to prepare thoroughly, especially if the baby is the first addition to a young family. Happiness if the house has a separate room that can be equipped as a nursery. In such a room, it is recommended to make cosmetic repairs. By the time the baby arrives from the hospital, the room should be perfectly clean. The main thing that you need from the furnishings for a nursery is a crib, cribs with drawers at the bottom are very convenient, where you can fold, for example, bedding.
The bed should be reliable, because in it the baby can sleep up to 3-4 years old.
For the first few months, you will need a changing table. Even if it is not planned to dress the baby in diapers, and the parents will immediately put on the baby's undershirts and sliders, it is convenient to dress the baby on such a table, change diapers for him, and do a massage. The lower part of the changing table is often designed as a chest of drawers - it is convenient to store baby's things there. For outdoor walks, you should purchase a stroller.
For hygiene procedures, a newborn should have its own bath. In a set for it, you can purchase a stand so that you can fix the baby in it in a comfortable position. The bathing set also includes a thermometer for measuring the temperature of the water. You will also need hygiene products. For the first time, it is advisable to purchase baby soap, shampoo and bath foam. Subsequently, it will be possible to decide whether this entire set is needed or whether it is enough to do, for example, with baby soap. The preferred brand of cosmetic and hygiene products for a newborn is also determined later, depending on the reaction of the baby's skin to a particular product. A package of baby wipes and diapers is required.
The choice of diapers for a baby is influenced by the age and weight of the child.
As a rule, diapers marked "0" are required for newly born babies. In the arsenal, future parents must have baby oil for skin care, powder, baby cream. Of the medicines are required in stock: children's antipyretic, dill water, brilliant green.
Most of all, future parents love to choose clothes for their future child. But as practice shows, it is not worth getting carried away here. Since, as a rule, acquaintances and relatives of a married couple also prefer to present clothes to the newborn as a gift. Therefore, stocking up should be at a minimum, and as needed or the growth of the baby, acquire what is needed.
In the house that meets the newborn, 2-3 baby bottles with a pacifier are required. Even if the mother plans to breastfeed. Bottles will be needed for water, and later for juices. It is also advisable to have baby food in your arsenal, just in case.
All of the above are only initial acquisitions, which the family will acutely feel in the first days of their stay after the child is discharged. Further, as the baby grows and depending on personal needs and preferences, the list will grow. Already in the first year of a child's life, parents will have such acquisitions as a playpen, a walker, a table and a high chair, a pot, a teether and many more interesting and useful things.